DIY sugar cookies without the hassle of baking!

So you can unleash your creativity, be the “fun one” and impress your loved ones!

Join the club!

"Your kits are what really got me started and loving cookie decorating! Thank you!!"
~ Megan Spring

The Cookie Kit Club is a cookie decorating kit subscription that includes the cookies and icing to successfully decorate a themed set! Teaching materials are also included in both written and video format and walks you through each step.

Sign me up!

This is for you if...

You’re needing a creative outlet. You *deserve* an hour to yourself. 

You want to be the “fun one” with the kids. An opportunity to do a craft project that you can eat? I’m pretty sure that’s the definition of fun for anyone!

You’re a mom who likes to DIY it. Learn tips, tricks, and different techniques with me and you’ll be ready for the next birthday or class holiday party!

Start my subscription today!

Do you want to know what the key to beautifully decorated sugar cookies is?
The right consistency of icing. If the icing is too thick, you end up with lumpy and bumpy cookies. On the flip side, icing drips off the cookie and details disappear when the icing is too thin. 

Now do you want to know what the hardest part about decorating sugar cookies is? Perfecting the right icing consistency. Don’t worry though, I got you covered in The Cookie Kit Club!

Here’s what sets The Cookie Kit Club apart from other decorating kits (and cookies!) you may see online or at big-box stores:

All-in-one kit
Carefully curated designs
Buttery, flavorful cookies

Each kit includes everything you need to create beautifully decorated sugar cookies, from the cookies themselves to the icing, sprinkles, and decorating tools. I’m saving you the headache of adding water drop by drop to your royal icing trying to get it to the perfect consistency. 

I’ve designed each month’s set with varying techniques and levels of difficulty. You might look at a design and think it’s too hard, but with my step-by-step instructions you’ll impress not only yourself, but loved ones too with the final product (and if not, well then just eat it before anyone sees!). I want you to look forward to decorating and be able to use these design ideas for future parties and events!

The most important in my opinion? The Cookie Kit Club delivers sweet, buttery perfection in the form of sugar cookies to your door each month. No stale, tasteless cookies - only fresh, melt in your mouth goodness!

I'm ready!